Integrate the AR (Augmented Reality) concept with real-world materials into mathematics lectures.
Aim to improve rural students' proficiency in mathematics, enhance teachers' abilities to implement digital teaching and respond to the development trend of digital learning.
Why do we start this action plan?
According to the government's major policies of education, include "The Digital Learning Enhancement Plan", "Strengthening of Smart Learning and Teaching Project", and "5G Campus Infrastructure Project", which shows the promotion of digital learning environment and the encouragement in the development of emerging technology education, SUZAKU PIONEER Project establish the action plan, SITUATION-BASED MATHEMATICS. In order to support teachers to use mobile devices and digital content for more diverse learning and enrich adaptive teaching and interactive digital teaching materials for rural elementary schools.
What do we do?
The action plan of SITUATION-BASED MATHEMATICS is base on the mathematics subject by transfering the abstract mathematics theory into practical theme or games through Augmented reality technology (AR) for children to learn. We invited rural teachers to combine the mathematics measurement concept with real world-materials (for example: classroom desk, blackboard...etc.) into online questionnaire for students. Students wiil have to leave their seats with their learning devices to measure the items which was demanded to complete the mission.
We aim to improve campus digital learning, and respond to the development trend of digital learning, introduce artificial intelligence technology, promote personal and adaptive learning, and cultivate students' self-regulated and lifelong learning abilities.
The team introduce the cloud service into a digital learning platform to support personal and adaptive learning. Meanwhile, it conduct digital teaching enhancement courses and activities, strengthen the knowledge and abilities of student teachers to use digital technology in teaching, popularize teachers' digital teaching enhancement courses, and enhancing the digital teaching abilities of in-service teachers. In addition, develop teaching materials of interactive teaching context (such as: Augmented reality (AR) and simulation materials) to enhance students’ interest and effectiveness in learning.
Furthermore, the team give priority support to students of schools in remote areas, establish technology learning environments and demonstration teaching, lead schools to new technology teaching and learning, and guide students in making good use of learning devices.