Create storytelling podcasts and establish online storytelling audio resources. Organize storytelling workshops and summer camps to enhance rural children's reading and writing skills.
Why do we start this action project?
To build the bridges between school and community and enhance storytelling competency and awareness of hometown, SUZAKU PIONEER Project started the action plan, RURAL READING. Adding local elements in teaching lessons greatly determine the effective ways to engage rural students in their learning. The learning competencies can easily be mastered when the contexts are culturally rooted since they belong to the locality which the learning content being studied is familiar to students and is connected to them.
What do we do?
The team of RURAL READING aim to increase mastery in rural students and teacher's literacies. We utilize the picture books and cultural stories that are familiar to the pupils in order to build up their interest in storytelling. Likewise, the team engage student teachers from National Pingtung University to produce the audio teaching materials, not only to flourish the diversity of teaching resources in remote area schools but also to offer the chances for student teachers to participate in podcasting program and elevate their verbal expressing skills. Besides, the team hold multiple community touring activities to promote the sense of place in rural students and increase the local identity in student teachers.